
AZURE (Turkey)



AZURE ventilation units are designed to meet the need for high energy performance with low energy consumption and high heat recovery efficiency. The devices are equipped with advanced technology components and intelligent control systems.

With advanced features such as  web interface automation, constant air flow (CAV), constant pressure (VAV), heating/cooling capacity control, extended warning options, by-pass ventilation, weekly, monthly, yearly schedule, filter pollution monitoring, CO2 or humidity sensor option Many control options such as ventilation on demand, connection to building automation are offered with the unit. AZURE devices consist of rock wool insulated panels with high sound and heat insulation. The exterior of the devices is made of polyester painted, and the interior surfaces of the devices are made of Aluzinc sheet with high corrosion resistance.

The units has been made easily serviceable between the designed service doors and the suspended ceiling. AZURE devices are designed in 6 different models according to the flow needs between 350 m3/h and 3500 m3/h air flow needs. F7 class filter on the fresh air side and M5 class filter on the exhaust side of the devices are provided as standard. The devices are produced in accordance with the European Union energy criteria and have the ECO-DESIGN label. The air supllied into the indoor environment can be brought to the desired temperature with the optional electric pre-heater and hot water after-heater batteries internal to the units.